Friday, January 25, 2013

Meet Diana Barrios, Artistic Director LVDT

Hello! Have you met Diana Barrios, our artistic director? Diana has been our director for 10 years and is the chief innovator behind our arts-integration programs (Moving Through Math, Moving through Science) and cultivated the relationships that have allowed us to create the Leveraged Learning Initiative (partnering with College Bound, Prison Performing Arts, and Safe Connections). 

Diana with 3rd grade students, discussing Math!

Students are eager to answer Diana's questions about counting, subtracting,
angles, curves, and shapes!
Diana asking children: Can you tell me the name of this Special Angle??? (hint: 90*)

Watch this video briefly outlining Diana's work with LVDT Educational Programming.

(Photo Credit: Jon White)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Save the Date!

Save the date! April 11-14, 2013 Leverage Dance Theater!

Hello! Hannahbird here. I am very excited for our first concert under the Leverage Banner! We are working with our new LVDT members and some incoming performers. Stay tuned for 'in the lab' posts from choreographers.  

This year, our annual concert is taking place in Grand Center, one of the art districts in St. Louis. We have had office and rehearsal space in the district for over 10 years, and call Grand Center our home base. Our audiences will experience an evening of dance and installation art that moves through the district. It will end up looking like a sort of ‘art walk’, but dance, wine, and hor d'oeuvres. This format will facilitate conversations between the dance pieces for the audience and choreographers, as opposed to traditional dance concerts that are viewed in a dark theater with little chance to dialogue until the moments have passed.

(Note: These partnerships are still in development... but it's looking like a go...)

We will begin at the Craft Alliance Gallery Space.

The audience will move across the street to
the Metropolitan Artist Lofts.

Our performance will continue to our home base,
the Centene Center for Arts and Education.